Astrology Course

Learn All About Astrology Through Online Vedic Astrology Course

Ever wondered where you’ll be in the next few years? Or wished that it was just good if you already knew the problems that were coming? Well, astrology has an answer to a lot of these questions you have in your mind. Seeing this, Future Prediction Today has started a service of providing online Vedic astrology courses for people who have a knack for astrology and want to establish their career in it.

We seriously believe that the people who take these astrology courses are helping others too along with themselves because they warn and advise people on their future; they can help people in everything right from the birth of the child till finding a job. Seeing all this we have created a full course on astrology and its acclaimed branches which can make you the master of this art and maybe you’ll be the best astrologer in the nation one day

How to learn astrology?

Astrology is not a thing that you can do in one day, it needs practice and experience and the one who wants to do it has to keep all the rules of it in mind, it has so many braches too and keeping a record of all the stuff can be hectic sometimes. Keeping all these things in mind the team of future prediction today has improvised the material it’ll be given to you in the simplest language possible. These courses are divided according to the different branches of astrology, the courses have the potential to make your excel in the field of astrology.

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Courses That Will Be Available:


Vastu Ratan

Vastu Ratna course is curated for students who have a knack for Vastu Shastra and its acclaimed branches.

Starting: Shortly

Fees: Rs. 9,900 | ($)190 for Outside India


Numerology Professional

These courses are designed with one aim in mind; to aid the people in learning the occult sciences the easy way.

Starting: Shortly

Fees: Rs. 10000 | ($)150 for Outside India


Samudrik Shastracharya

This course gives complete knowledge of Palmistry and ample practice to be master in this field. 

Starting: Shortly

Fees: Rs. 12000 | ($)200 for Outside India

Tarot Card

Tarot Professional

Tarot is a globally popular and revered system of divination. This level will open your door…

Starting: Shortly

Fees: Rs. 10000 | ($)150 for Outside India


Samudrik Shastracharya

This course gives complete knowledge of Palmistry and ample practice to be master in this field. 

Starting: Shortly

Fees: Rs. 12000 | ($)200 for Outside India

Astrology as a Career

Astrology consists of the basic but essential element of this universe i.e. fire, water, earth, sky, and air, and was first practiced in the Indian subcontinent but in recent years, this art has seen a boost, and now it has become an industry that is growing bigger day by day. People in large numbers have started taking these online Vedic astrology courses from all over the world. The price of astrology consultancy can be from $10 to $500 per hour and it depends on how famous the astrologer is and so it is visible that astrology, as a career option, has a lot of potential in it and we at future prediction today have sought to help all such people who have this talent and respect the art.

All the courses that are mentioned earlier are available at our website and you can book them by just clicking a couple of times at for your journey to the art of astrology and you’ll be learning all the stuff from the best astrologers who have been practicing astrology for years. Now you must be wondering what makes our courses different from other courses available on the internet. Well, we would like to tell you that the courses available on the internet demand much more amount of money whereas the courses that we offer are available at a reasonable price